Plans are beginning regarding the Emergency Preparedness Fair I am organizing this May! I would love to hear from you about things YOU would like to see at our fair, or any Emergency Preparedness Fair! So to encourage you to share your ideas with me, either by posting them here, or emailing me, I will review all suggestions, any suggestions used at the fair in May will receive a prize!
I so look forward to hearing from you! Have already gotten some bizarro suggestions, so remember there will be NO stunt-guys showing us how to jump outta planes and survive, and NO eating live creatures for nourishment! But I appreciate the suggestions each one!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Father Time Needs a New Watch!
Ok, seriously. Time? Never, never, never enough of it! I thought we were supposed to slow down and smell the roses the older we get?!?!?! Either somebody was pulling my chain, or Father Time needs a new watch!
I am excited to look ahead to 2013, with all the wonderful life events coming up! I have one son returning for the summer after his first year of college. What a super young man, he's grown so much, become so much more independent, more conscience, more resourceful than I imagined. It'll will be so nice to have him back. I have another son who has seriously already packed his bags just waiting for late May/early June to roll around so he can head out on his life's journey. He has chosen, so excitedly and proud, to serve the Lord for two full years, by serving a mission upon graduating high school. We do not yet know 'where' in this beautiful world he will serve, but I can promise, he's losing many good sleeping hours due to the anticipation! I have become a 'traveling' surgical technologist, so I do not know where I will end up to work, that could lead me anywhere! My other two children are so great to have around, one home and one on her own now for some time, but they fill my every minute! And yes, indeed, it is often just a minute that I have to give them...bless their hearts!
True, without each of these precious souls in my life, I know I could find more time than I need, but right now, I cannot find enough time to accomplish all the things I want to do with and for each of them, and maintain full time employment, etc!
As I think about the coming year, I think about my aging parents and grandparent, and how much I still need to learn from them. Recipes I love, memories of their young lives, DIY home repairs, the list is endless! I have been extremely blessed with the family I have. I, without a doubt, would be alley-trash without my strong, loving parents and my faith in the Lord! Those two factors have held me together through so many trials and bad choices. Those two factors have allowed me to overcome and keep going. I pray 'I' can be that should my babes need that from me!
Other great events coming in 2013.....I organize and provide an Emergency Preparedness Fair in May!!! Such a super great event, PLEASE PLEASE stay tuned for more information on this event! All are welcomed! Back to the time thing.........this event I will plan the same month my son graduates high school, I will have his open house this month, and send him off on his mission. I will move my older son back home this month too! (ok, breathing deep here.............)
I look forward to being a better blogger! I need to be more vigilant about keeping up to date with my blog. Forgive my past procrastinations regarding my blog. I do enjoy writing, truly, but its back to the 'time' factor!
I am crazy fanatic about time management, but I fear I have managed 'time' right outta my schedule! So here's to looking forward to 2013!!! May it bring us all joy, peace, health and wealth!
I am excited to look ahead to 2013, with all the wonderful life events coming up! I have one son returning for the summer after his first year of college. What a super young man, he's grown so much, become so much more independent, more conscience, more resourceful than I imagined. It'll will be so nice to have him back. I have another son who has seriously already packed his bags just waiting for late May/early June to roll around so he can head out on his life's journey. He has chosen, so excitedly and proud, to serve the Lord for two full years, by serving a mission upon graduating high school. We do not yet know 'where' in this beautiful world he will serve, but I can promise, he's losing many good sleeping hours due to the anticipation! I have become a 'traveling' surgical technologist, so I do not know where I will end up to work, that could lead me anywhere! My other two children are so great to have around, one home and one on her own now for some time, but they fill my every minute! And yes, indeed, it is often just a minute that I have to give them...bless their hearts!
True, without each of these precious souls in my life, I know I could find more time than I need, but right now, I cannot find enough time to accomplish all the things I want to do with and for each of them, and maintain full time employment, etc!
As I think about the coming year, I think about my aging parents and grandparent, and how much I still need to learn from them. Recipes I love, memories of their young lives, DIY home repairs, the list is endless! I have been extremely blessed with the family I have. I, without a doubt, would be alley-trash without my strong, loving parents and my faith in the Lord! Those two factors have held me together through so many trials and bad choices. Those two factors have allowed me to overcome and keep going. I pray 'I' can be that should my babes need that from me!
Other great events coming in 2013.....I organize and provide an Emergency Preparedness Fair in May!!! Such a super great event, PLEASE PLEASE stay tuned for more information on this event! All are welcomed! Back to the time thing.........this event I will plan the same month my son graduates high school, I will have his open house this month, and send him off on his mission. I will move my older son back home this month too! (ok, breathing deep here.............)
I look forward to being a better blogger! I need to be more vigilant about keeping up to date with my blog. Forgive my past procrastinations regarding my blog. I do enjoy writing, truly, but its back to the 'time' factor!
I am crazy fanatic about time management, but I fear I have managed 'time' right outta my schedule! So here's to looking forward to 2013!!! May it bring us all joy, peace, health and wealth!
I had so much fun last year with my 'Resolution Challenge', that I am going to play again!
It's easy!, Simply post what you want to accomplish this year in ways of preparedness, and I will challenge you to meet your goal! If you accomplish it before me, or before the end of the year, YOU WIN! (prizes included) If I accomplish it first, then it was beneficial for me too!
I am horrible about making and keeping resolutions. As evidenced by last years' challenge! But I love a game with the element of a 'dare'! So come on, live a little, ENTER one (or more if you'd like) of your personal preparedness resolutions and make me a two-timer loser!
Please share your resolutions. And to make it 'a challenge' I will pick one resolution from all those posted on my blog, and I will 'challenge' the postee. The postee will receive a special gift from me just for being chosen! I will post the resolution chosen on my blog and you can follow my progress with regular updates of postings and pictures. When I accomplish your goal, you will receive a second gift from me! The postee resolution will be drawn from a hat by my 6 year old! (Oh Lord, save me!) Be kind, remember you have to also want to accomplish this goal and we would enjoy seeing pix/reading posts of your progress too! I would love to say there are no limits, but I have to say, though I do enjoy eating, I WILL NOT EAT LIVE THINGS OR SLIMY THINGS! Plus the resolution has to be safe and legal! Most everything else is a go! SO GAME ON FRIENDS, LET'S GET POSTING!!! LET'S GET RESOLUTING!
JANUARY 1, 2013!!! hurry...........time is a-ticking!!!!! Winning is as easy as pie! Just submit your preparedness resolution and yours could be the lucky winner!!! AND...... You do not even have to complete it if you are drawn, and if I do not complete it either......YOU WIN! TWO PRIZES FOR WATCHING ME STRUGGLE THROUGH 'YOUR' RESOLUTION...........IT'S A WIN-WIN FOR YOU!!!!
JANUARY 1, 2013!!! hurry...........time is a-ticking!!!!! Winning is as easy as pie! Just submit your preparedness resolution and yours could be the lucky winner!!! AND...... You do not even have to complete it if you are drawn, and if I do not complete it either......YOU WIN! TWO PRIZES FOR WATCHING ME STRUGGLE THROUGH 'YOUR' RESOLUTION...........IT'S A WIN-WIN FOR YOU!!!!
2012 Resolution Challenge Champion!
Last year at this time, I challenged people to submit their 'resolutions' of preparedness. I challenged that I would take on their challenge in my own preparedness efforts, and purposed that by years' end I would succeed at their preparedness resolution!
One lucky winner was drawn from a hat (bowl, in this case) and notified! The winners' resolution was "to replace his fireplace with a cooking wood stove"! What an undertaking that would be!
Nonetheless, I do not have a fireplace in my home, so I was investigating the possibilities of just installing a wood burning cook stove, figuring I was already half way ahead of my challenger, because I had nothing to rip out, just install!
Drum roll please.....................I LOSE!!!
I completely failed on every level of this resolution!
I would never go back on my promise, my word, so Mr. Loomis, my friend, I am off to the post office in the morning to mail your winnings! There will be two prizes in one package for you! One for being the winning submission, as promised, and one for me NOT rising to your challenge!
I am not sure how you fared on your resolution, but would love to hear how it went for you!
Nonetheless, I do not have a fireplace in my home, so I was investigating the possibilities of just installing a wood burning cook stove, figuring I was already half way ahead of my challenger, because I had nothing to rip out, just install!
Drum roll please.....................I LOSE!!!

I completely failed on every level of this resolution!
I would never go back on my promise, my word, so Mr. Loomis, my friend, I am off to the post office in the morning to mail your winnings! There will be two prizes in one package for you! One for being the winning submission, as promised, and one for me NOT rising to your challenge!
I am not sure how you fared on your resolution, but would love to hear how it went for you!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Where has the time gone? Life gets so busy, sports, house remodeling, graduation ceremonies, preparing and having an open house, starting a new job and going back to college myself, plus getting my eldest son ready for college, senior pictures for the next son and attending open houses and receptions for loved ones, a son in the state all star football game, a vacation........... totally exhausting! so sorry life has been overcoming, but i look so forward to regaining ground with my blog. hopefully life will settle for a bit, so i can breathe!, and blog!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
A Bean-utiful Gift I Got Today!
An awful week was brightened a bit today by nothing but a simple bag of beans! Oh, but this simple bag of beans brought such amazement and beauty. I had never heard of or seen these Anasazi beans before today, when a sweet old German lady friend of mine offered them to me. Seriously stunned by their beauty, I could not resist. 'Anasazi', hmmm....who knew!?!?! A large ziploc bag full of these beans are so pretty, I immediately retrieved a jar (from my new 'should have some of these on hand' collection) and filled it to the brim. I sat and looked at these beans for quite sometime. Stunning, truly stunning. Then the research........what are these tiny objects of grandeur? what do i do with them? It's interesting to note that i found they have 75% less 'gas' creating carbohydrates than pinto beans, and their origin....just as intriguing.
The Anasazi were Indians who lived in the four corners area (now Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico) dating back to 130 A.D. The are best identified with their substantial architectural achievements known today as "cliff dwellings". Mesa Verde National Park, Hovenweep, Canyon de Chelly and many other dwelling that dot the arid countryside, represent these structures. "Anasazi" is a Navajo word perhaps best translated as "the ancient ones".Anasazi Beans were one of the few crops cultivated by the Anasazi. They were found in the ruins by settlers to the four corners area in the early 1800's. Presently they are grown at 7,000 ft. elevation on the same land the Anasazi inhabited. Anasazi Beans are considered an unusually tasty baking bean, very scrumptious with ham and flavorful in Mexican dishes. This sweeter and mealier bean will allow many culinary delights! Oh boy, what I can do with this bean sounds beyond scrumptious! I will, however, leave my jar filled with these tiny little beauties in my cupboard, because they make me smile everytime I open those doors and see them dancing right back at me! the beans in the bag?!?!, look out! |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Just so you know, I have been trying to keep up with my 'RESOLUTION CHALLENGE'. Still in the early stages on finding an alternative way to heat/cook in my home without a fireplace. I’ve been researching small, efficient wood stoves that could be placed in my house. Most home wood stove manufacturers’ smallest models heat 800-1000 square feet at a minimum, which is perfect for my home. Here are the two top contenders that I have been researching.
Jøtul F 602 CB
- Maximum heat output: 28,000 BTU/hr
- Heating capacity: Up to 800 sq.ft
- Max log length: Up to 16″
- Over 75% efficient
- Burn time: Up to 5 hours
- Finish options: Matte Black Paint
- Flue outlet: Top, and rear
- Flue size: 6″ (w/standard adapter)
- Weight: 160 lbs.
- Accessories: Fire screen, Rear heatshield
- Alcove approved for both the US and Canada
- Fully functional cookplate
- 5 year limited warranty
This model is appealing because I can get it locally for $850, which isn’t a terrible deal considering they retail for about $1000. The stove takes 16″ logs, which is also a nice feature (but in reality, it would probably take 14″ logs more easily.)
Drawbacks? I’m not that jazzed about the dimensions of the stove – it’s a little long, a bit too rectangular for where April and I hope to install it. I also don’t think the viewing glass is that great, either. Also important to note: I think the “over 75% efficient” is quite exaggerated.
Morsø 1410
- Maximum Heat (BTU/hr): 30,000
- Heat Output Range – lab. test (BTU/hr): 9,5862-22,018
- Test Fuel Load: 5.15 lbs
- Particulate Emissions: 3.3 grm/hr
- Log Size: 12″
- Max. Area Heated: 1000 ft²
- Firebox Dimensions: 12¼”W x 10¾”D
- Firebox volume/capacity: 0.736 ft³
- Gross Weight: 215 lbs
This thing is tiny. On an aesthetic level, I like the Morso 1410 much more than the Jotul. It’s got a nicer viewing window and a great squirrel relief on either side of the stove. More importantly, it’s more of a square shape and not as deep as the Jotul, so it should fit better where we want to install a stove. I don’t think there is much of an efficiency difference compared to the Jotul.
One drawback is the short maximum log length: only 12″ (and probably more like 10-11″)! That means more cutting. It also has an ash pan, which the Jotul does not. And the main drawback? The price I was quoted is $1000… sheesh! There’s got to be a way to get this thing for cheaper.
Since both stoves seem to be about as capable, efficient, and small as each other, it seems to be a choice we’ll make based on aesthetics. I’m leaning towards the Morso 1410 because of that.
I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish this goal, if you have any helps!!!, PLEASE DO SHARE!!!
We better be ready............
Okay, normally I do not get into sharing my 'political' beliefs with people. Just makes me feel uncomfortable. I do not go looking to engage others in debates, and I simply do not want to look at people I may really like, differently because I may or may not agree with their political choices. Nor do I want to wonder if they view me differently because of mine. I do not spend hours pining over our political candidates and who they are. I should. I know. But I don't. Let's face it, time is a huge factor to me, and this kind of 'research' just isn't at the top of the list, ya know?
Well, now it is! I'm afraid, therefore, I want to know more, so much more. Although my mind was already made up three years ago, I now want to 'do' more. Mitt Romney has been the clear choice in my mind, was during the last election cycle, and is this one as well. Yes, not everyone will share my opinion, however, I feel the need to share. And since I am too coward to publicly 'wave banners', blogging about it is an easy out for clearing my conscience and justifying to myself that I've done what I can.
Our country was shocked at the election of a black president who cropped up out of nowhere to win the hearts of many many. I'm certainly NOT a prejudiced person, but the general shock that a black man was elected, bewildered the masses. They never took the time to vote, because 'a black man will NEVER win the election to be President of the United States of America.' Well, complacency has led our dear, blessed nation closer and closer to destruction from within, closer to socialism and everything our country was NOT built on. I have nothing against the color of the man who now leads us. I do have huge issues with the fact the he spent years, and raised his children in, a congregation that was teaching to hate all white Americans with a violent vengeance. The vulgar and hanous nonsense of his beliefs are appalling. He spent years studying and practicing Islam. Not an offense, simply NOT what our country was founded upon. He has driven us further and further into the debtor's noose and further and further from love of God and country.
I am scared. Yes I am. I have done some of my own researching, some of my own praying, and some of my own things to understand why middle America is suffering so greatly, so painfully and so quickly. We can come back from the brink of socialism, back from the brink of bankruptcy and back from the brink of social intolerance's, if we do our heartfelt best to vote Obama out!
I pray that each and every American will do their part this election. Go to the polls well informed, take time to think and pray about our choices. God will not lead us astray, if we are seeking to do right.
Mitt Romney from his Mitt Romney 2012 Site: After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney. As a venture-capitalist, Romney�s first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people. Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the �Bain Way�) would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino�s,Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others�Got your calculators handy? Let�s recap. Volunteer campaign worker for his dad�s gubernatorial campaign � 1 year. Unpaid intern in Governor�s office � 8 years. Mormon missionary in Paris� 2 years. Unpaid bishop and stake president for his church � 10 years. No salary as president of the Olympics � 3 years. No salary as MA governor � 4 years. That�s a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that�s the kind of man Mitt Romney is.
Who does not want a successful man, as the man to lead us. Who does not an honest man to lead us, who does not want a man with a heart full of love for America, to lead us? I do not know about you, but I want to be successful. I want everyone I know to be successful, therefore, we need a successful example. And not just 'we', the world needs a strong, tolerant, wise man to lead us.
I want to 'be subject to the laws of the land', when I know the laws are backed by a man who believes in equality and God.
Well, now it is! I'm afraid, therefore, I want to know more, so much more. Although my mind was already made up three years ago, I now want to 'do' more. Mitt Romney has been the clear choice in my mind, was during the last election cycle, and is this one as well. Yes, not everyone will share my opinion, however, I feel the need to share. And since I am too coward to publicly 'wave banners', blogging about it is an easy out for clearing my conscience and justifying to myself that I've done what I can.
Our country was shocked at the election of a black president who cropped up out of nowhere to win the hearts of many many. I'm certainly NOT a prejudiced person, but the general shock that a black man was elected, bewildered the masses. They never took the time to vote, because 'a black man will NEVER win the election to be President of the United States of America.' Well, complacency has led our dear, blessed nation closer and closer to destruction from within, closer to socialism and everything our country was NOT built on. I have nothing against the color of the man who now leads us. I do have huge issues with the fact the he spent years, and raised his children in, a congregation that was teaching to hate all white Americans with a violent vengeance. The vulgar and hanous nonsense of his beliefs are appalling. He spent years studying and practicing Islam. Not an offense, simply NOT what our country was founded upon. He has driven us further and further into the debtor's noose and further and further from love of God and country.
I am scared. Yes I am. I have done some of my own researching, some of my own praying, and some of my own things to understand why middle America is suffering so greatly, so painfully and so quickly. We can come back from the brink of socialism, back from the brink of bankruptcy and back from the brink of social intolerance's, if we do our heartfelt best to vote Obama out!
I pray that each and every American will do their part this election. Go to the polls well informed, take time to think and pray about our choices. God will not lead us astray, if we are seeking to do right.
Mitt Romney from his Mitt Romney 2012 Site: After going to both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School simultaneously, he passed the Michigan bar, but never worked as an attorney. As a venture-capitalist, Romney�s first major business deal involved investing in a start-up office supply company with one store in Massachusetts that sold office supplies. That company, called Staples, now has over 2,000 stores and employs over 90,000 people. Romney or his company Bain Capital (using what became known as the �Bain Way�) would go on to perform the same kinds of business miracles again and again, with companies like Domino�s,Sealy, Brookstone, Weather Channel, Burger King, Warner Music Group, Dollarama, Home Depot Supply, and many others�Got your calculators handy? Let�s recap. Volunteer campaign worker for his dad�s gubernatorial campaign � 1 year. Unpaid intern in Governor�s office � 8 years. Mormon missionary in Paris� 2 years. Unpaid bishop and stake president for his church � 10 years. No salary as president of the Olympics � 3 years. No salary as MA governor � 4 years. That�s a grand total of 28 years of unpaid service to his country, his community and his church. Why? Because that�s the kind of man Mitt Romney is.
Who does not want a successful man, as the man to lead us. Who does not an honest man to lead us, who does not want a man with a heart full of love for America, to lead us? I do not know about you, but I want to be successful. I want everyone I know to be successful, therefore, we need a successful example. And not just 'we', the world needs a strong, tolerant, wise man to lead us.
I want to 'be subject to the laws of the land', when I know the laws are backed by a man who believes in equality and God.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Beans, more than just a magical fruit!
Beans are cheap, healthy and store for a very long time! But how the heck can I get the kidlets to eat them!?!?!?! Well, one of our favorite recipes is to simply roast garbanzo beans(chick peas), we just lightly coat them in canola oil, and sprinkle salt and pepper over them, and roast on low heat for a few minutes until golden brown and crispy on the outside! Sometimes we throw a bit a parmesan on them too! My diabetic son eats them like popcorn!, whenever we watch a movie for family night, roasted 'banzos are in! (Besides, he works at a theater, he's over the popcorn thing!)
Some of the other faves are bean cookies!!! (because I love cookies!).
Some of the other faves are bean cookies!!! (because I love cookies!).
- 1 can of white beans (I used Great Northern Beans).
- Placed them in a food processor
- Blended until smooth (I did not add any water). It turned out the consistency of shortening
- I used the puree in this cookie recipe, replacing 75% of the fat for white beans. So, the original recipe used 1 cup of butter. I used 1/4 cup of butter and 3/4 cup of the white beans.
White Bean Chocolate Chip Cookies
- · ¾ C Pureed White beans
- 1/4 c butter
- · 1 C brown sugar
- · 1 C white sugar
- · 2 Eggs
- · 1 tsp vanilla
- · 1 cup whole wheat flour
- · 1 ¼ cup White flour
- · 1 TBL baking soda
- · 1 tsp baking powder
- · 2 ½ cup oat flour, rice flour works too for fluffier cookies
- · Chocolate chips
Mix pureed beans, butter, brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, and vanilla thoroughly. Mix dry ingredients together. Pour wet ingredients into dry and mix softly with wooden spoon just until all flour is mixed in. Bake at 400 for 6 minutes. Makes 3 Dozen cookies
Black Bean Brownies Recipe:
- 1 15 ounce can of black beans, or 1 1/2 cups pre cooked black beans.
- 1/2 cup cocoa (100%)
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1/4 tsp. salt
Rinse beans! Mix all ingredients together. Pour into an 8X8 inch greased pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes
Of course, there are the standard dips as well, bean dips, hummus, soups (which only one kid will eat), there's refired beans (yes, we call them refired beans) mixed in with our taco meat for a mexican fiesta night, but really? do kids eat enough beans? At my house, green beans in any form/fashion are out! bean sprouts are not a hit, disguising beans has been a tough haul! Pureed beans molded into patties or nuggets are pretty good, but sooooo much work for a working mom who gets home after 8p-ish. Besides, my guys...........PICKY! They will dissect every morsel of edible food checking for "what they don't like" before they'll even taste it!
Beans are easy to store (as long as you keep them dry), are nutrient-dense and are very inexpensive (particularly if you buy them in bulk). Beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, yet they are low in fat. When times are bad and you can’t afford beef, chicken, pork, fish or other high-protein foods, beans are a nutritious alternative.
Beans can drastically save in the family food budget, and fill those empty tummies with sustenance that will 'stick to their bones!' Recently, my little guy has sampled 'soybeans' at school. Because its local staple, he was able to tell me all about the soy crayons, soy milk, soybeans as salad toppers, and so many more 'soy' alternatives. So Soy it is!!!
Soybeans are my new endeavor. Locally grown, kids already interested and excited, and cheap! (i hope!)
I'm Just Sayin'.........
Although I'm truly loving this weather we got going on here, it has an ominous feel. I just keeping hearing '......and the seasons will change so you don't know one from another.......'' echoing through my head. I'm starting to get a glimpse of what the 'typically' warmer states get for winter and rethinking retirement zones. Not having to scrape windshields before dawn, not warming the car for 15 minutes before driving it, not wearing all those cumbersome clothes and NOT having to build another snowman!?!?!?!?!, Well, let's just say McDonald's got it right when they said "I'M LOVIN' IT!"
Think Spring........(and we might get winter!)
Think Spring........(and we might get winter!)
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