I had so much fun last year with my 'Resolution Challenge', that I am going to play again!
It's easy!, Simply post what you want to accomplish this year in ways of preparedness, and I will challenge you to meet your goal! If you accomplish it before me, or before the end of the year, YOU WIN! (prizes included) If I accomplish it first, then it was beneficial for me too!
I am horrible about making and keeping resolutions. As evidenced by last years' challenge! But I love a game with the element of a 'dare'! So come on, live a little, ENTER one (or more if you'd like) of your personal preparedness resolutions and make me a two-timer loser!
Please share your resolutions. And to make it 'a challenge' I will pick one resolution from all those posted on my blog, and I will 'challenge' the postee. The postee will receive a special gift from me just for being chosen! I will post the resolution chosen on my blog and you can follow my progress with regular updates of postings and pictures. When I accomplish your goal, you will receive a second gift from me! The postee resolution will be drawn from a hat by my 6 year old! (Oh Lord, save me!) Be kind, remember you have to also want to accomplish this goal and we would enjoy seeing pix/reading posts of your progress too! I would love to say there are no limits, but I have to say, though I do enjoy eating, I WILL NOT EAT LIVE THINGS OR SLIMY THINGS! Plus the resolution has to be safe and legal! Most everything else is a go! SO GAME ON FRIENDS, LET'S GET POSTING!!! LET'S GET RESOLUTING!
JANUARY 1, 2013!!! hurry...........time is a-ticking!!!!! Winning is as easy as pie! Just submit your preparedness resolution and yours could be the lucky winner!!! AND...... You do not even have to complete it if you are drawn, and if I do not complete it either......YOU WIN! TWO PRIZES FOR WATCHING ME STRUGGLE THROUGH 'YOUR' RESOLUTION...........IT'S A WIN-WIN FOR YOU!!!!
JANUARY 1, 2013!!! hurry...........time is a-ticking!!!!! Winning is as easy as pie! Just submit your preparedness resolution and yours could be the lucky winner!!! AND...... You do not even have to complete it if you are drawn, and if I do not complete it either......YOU WIN! TWO PRIZES FOR WATCHING ME STRUGGLE THROUGH 'YOUR' RESOLUTION...........IT'S A WIN-WIN FOR YOU!!!!
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