I make a list of people to call, usually "Bill", we all call 'Bill' from time to time, don't we? Anyway, along with the list of people to call, I jot down the things that have to be done that day! Yes, I know....fanatic! Imagine my joy when life throws me a curve ball, or a kid lets me know at the last minute they need something! Yes, over-organized. It's getting better with time though, the older I get the less I remember to write on my list!

What are some of your resolutions? Maybe I'm missing the whole concept here. SO I OFFER TO YOU......
Please share your resolutions. And to make it 'a challenge' I will pick one resolution from all those posted on my blog, and I will 'challenge' the postee. The postee will receive a special gift from me just for being chosen! I will post the resolution chosen on my blog and you can follow my progress with regular updates of postings and pictures. When I accomplish your goal, you will receive a second gift from me! The postee resolution will be drawn from a hat by my 6 year old! (Oh Lord, save me!) Be kind, remember you have to also want to accomplish this goal and we would enjoy seeing pix/reading posts of your progress too! I would love to say there are no limits, but I have to say, though I do enjoy eating, I WILL NOT EAT LIVE THINGS OR SLIMY THINGS! Plus the resolution has to be safe and legal! Most everything else is a go! SO GAME ON FRIENDS, LET'S GET POSTING!!! LET'S GET RESOLUTING!
Well, every year I kinda write the same thing. Never really follow any of it and usually by the end of January or February....all is forgotten.
This year however, I'm going to make a 'grown-up' approach to this.
I want it to be something I know I can do. I want something(or someone) to challange me but in the same token I don't want to feel like a failure. Now knowing that I could possibly have a 'challanger' makes this even more enticing.
After the feeling I got yesterday it brought me to this conclusion.
So.... my New Years Resolution Challanges will be...(drum roll).........................
1) reconnect with old friends. Share with them something about our friendship that I have always cherished.
2) Become healthier. I don't want to be stupid and set an unrealistic goal that will drive me crazy. I want to make better choices with food. I want to understand WHAT I'm putting into my body and what it can do for me.
3) I want to fall in love with me. Now, as silly as this sounds, I couldn't be more honest! People tell me all the time how wonderful I am, how much I make a difference in their world. I'm a Care Taker. It's what I do. It's who I am. Well, I want to feel it too. I don't exactly know how I'm going to do it. Maybe it will just happen. Maybe after the first 2 resolutions come into play, the 3rd one will naturally fall into place.
Well, there you go Renee!
Here it is, in black and white.
I hope I'm the chosen one. I'll need you to keep me on my toes!!
OMGosh! ok, this one will be near impossible, since I too, am a giver, a provider, a neglector of self. Coming from a mom who owns just three pairs or sweats and a dozen or so cotton shirts......this one will be tough........g'luck my friend, we may need it!
My main goal/resolution is to review my preparedness plan and get my house converted into a lean, mean preparedness machine. Design a small garden landscape layout and get rid of plantings that so not enhance my families food supply. Replace my inefficient fireplace with a suitable woodstove that will create a usable cooking surface.
i fear i may have bitten off more than i can chew! i dont even have a fireplace, how would i replace one?????
it can be done!
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